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Sluice Your Gob

Sluice Your Gob!ADMIRAL OF THE NARROW SEAS. One who from drunkenness vomits into the lap of the person sitting opposite to him.

BARREL FEVER. An overpowering thirst for drink.

A BUCK OF THE FIRST HEAD. One who in debauchery surpasses the rest of his companions.


CAT HARPING FASHION. Drinking cross-ways, and not, as usual, over the left thumb.

CHIRPING MERRY. Exhilarated with liquor. Chirping glass, a cheerful glass, that makes the company chirp like birds in spring.

CHOICE SPIRIT. A thoughtless, laughing, singing, drunken fellow.

CLEAR. Very drunk. The cull is clear, let’s bite him; the fellow is very drunk, let’s cheat him.

COOL LADY. A camp follower who sells brandy.

CRANK. Gin and water.

CUP OF THE CREATURE. A cup of good liquor.

CUP-SHOT. Drunk.

CUT. Drunk. A little cut over the head; slightly intoxicated.

DEAD MEN. Empty bottles.


DRAIN. Gin. So called from the diuretic qualities imputed to that liquor.

DUTCH FEAST. Where the host gets drunk before his guest.

DRUNK AS A WHEEL-BARROW. Clumsily drunk.

DRUNK AS AN EMPEROR. Ten times as drunk as a lord.

ENSIGN BEARER. A drunken man who is red in the face.

FLYING THE FLAG OF DEFIANCE. Signifying the man is drunk, and alluding to the redness of his face.


LUSH AT FREEMAN’S QUAY. To drink at another’s cost.

FRENCH LEAVE. To take French leave; to leave one’s fellows at the pub without saying good night.

GRAPPLE THE RAILS. Drinking whiskey.

GUTTING A QUART POT. Taking out the lining of it: i.e, drinking it off.

GUZZLE GUTS. One greedy of liquor.

HOCKEY. Drunk with strong stale beer, called old hock.

HORSE’S MEAL. A meal without drinking.

HUCKLE MY BUFF. Beer, egg and brandy, made hot.

IN THE GUN. Drunk, loaded.

JOLLY DOG. A merry facetious fellow; a bon vivant, who never flinches from his glass, nor cries to go home to bed.

ISLAND. He drank out of the bottle till he saw the island; the rising bottom (punt) of a wine bottle, which  appears like an island in the center before the bottle is quite empty.

KILL DEVIL. New still-burnt rum.

MASTER OF THE WARDROBE. One who pawns his clothes to purchase liquor.

SUCK THE MONKEY. To suck or draw wine, or any other liquor, privately out of a cask by means of a  straw.

LUSH-CRIB: a public house or tavern. Also: GARGLE FACTORY, WOBBLE SHOP.

PISSES MORE THAN HE DRINKS. One who boasts without reason.

ROT GUT. Small beer; called beer-a-bumble—will burst  one’s guts before it will make one tumble.


SHOOT THE CAT. To vomit from excess of liquor.

SLUICE YOUR GOB. Take a hearty drink.

STARTER. One who leaves a jolly company, a milksop; he is no starter, he will sit longer than a hen.

STINGO. Strong beer.


SUCK. Strong liquor of any sort. Sucky; drunk.

SURVEYOR OF THE HIGHWAYS. One reeling drunk.

SWIZZLE. Drink, or any brisk or windy liquor.

TENANT AT WILL. One whose wife usually fetches him from the alehouse.


WHIP-BELLY VENGEANCE. Weak or sour beer.

WRAPT UP IN WARM FLANNEL. Drunk with spirituous liquors.

Source: 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Grose